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Alexander NyndgeA young man from Herringswell in the county of Suffolk, who was allegedly possessed by an Irish spirit named Aubon, and dispossessed through prayers led by his brother Edward Nyndge. The possession manifested in various ways, foremost in a swelling in his chest and body, accompanied by staring eyes and contortions of his body; at other times he would make strange gestures and engaged in peculiar behaviors such that those with him thought him mad. Alexander was also rendered unable to eat for extended periods, would sometimes have fits of shaking, a lump would be seen moving under his skin, and at times strange flapping noises would be heard from his body. He was prone to fits in which he would curl up under the bedcovers, then bounce up from the bed and beat himself against the ground and bedstead, such that he needed to be restrained to not do himself injury. The spirit is also said to have conversed with Edward Nyndge, and to have grotesquely deformed Alexander Nyndge, caused him to laugh, shriek or cry abundantly, and gave him such strength that five men would be needed to restrain him during these conversations.(A3-A5, A7)You shall understand therefore that the first at, and vexation, wherefore this Alexander Nyndge was so peacefully perplexed began about seaven of the clocke at night. His father, mother and brethren, with the residue of the houshold being at that time in presence. And it was in this matter. His chest; and body fell a swelling, his eies a staring, and his backe bending inwards to his belly which did strike the beholders into a strange wonder, and admiration at this first, yet one of his brothers then also present, named Edward Nyndge, a Master of Arts, being boulder then other were of this of the company, certainly perswading himselfe that it was some evill spirit, that so molested him: gave him comfortable words of mercy from the holy Scriptures, and also charged the Spirit by the death and Passion of Jesus Christ, that it should declard the cause of that torment. At which the countenance of the same Alexander turned more strange, and full of amazement, and feare then it was before, and so returned to his former style againe. This Alexander Nyndge having his speach then at liberty laid unto the same Edward, Brother, he is marvelous afraid of you, therefore I pray you stand by me. With which words the same Edward was the more bold, and said to Alexander, If thou dost earnestly repent thee of thy sins, and pray to God for the forgiveness of the same, (my life for thine) the Divell cannot hurt thee, No, rather then he should, I will goe to hell with thee. Then the Spirit (for a small time) racked the said Alexander in a far more cruell manner: for he did use such strange and idle kinds of gestures in laughing, dancing, and such like light behavioyrs, that he was suspected to be mad: Sundry times he refused all kinds of meat for a long space together, insomuch as he seemed to pine away. Sometimes he shaked as if he had had an ague. There was heard also a strange noise, or flapping from within his body. Hee would gather himselfe on a round heape under his bedclothes, and being so gathered, he would bounse up a good height from the bed, and bead his head and other parts of his body against the ground, and bed-stead in such earnest manner, that the beholders did feare that he woul dthereby have spoiled himselfe, if they had not by strong hand restrained him, and yet thereby he received no hurt at all. In most of his fits he did swell in his body, and in some of them did so greatly exceed therein, as he seemed to be twice so big as his naturall body. He was often seene to have a certaine swelling or variable lumpe to a great bignesse swiftly running up and downe between the flesh and the skin. [...] Then the Spirit said in his hollow voyce, I will have his Soule and body too, and so began to torment and racke the same Alexander, and disfigure him more horribly than before, forcing him to such strange and fearefull skriking as cannot bee uttered by mans power, and was of such strength, as sometimes foure or five men, though they had much advantage against him by binding him to a chaire, yet they could not rule him. And in shewing that strength, hee was not perceived to pant or blow, no more than he had not strained his strength, nor strugled at all. Sometimes hee would cry extreamly, so as teares would come from him in gread aboundance. Presently after hee would laugh aloud, and shrill, and his mouth being shut close. And sometimes he was heaved by the ground by force invisible[.] [...] Then Edward charged him (as before) that he should declare his name. And the Spirit said, Aubon, Aubon. They charged him then (as aforesaid) to make knowne unto them whence hee came: And the Spirit made answere in a hollow voyce; From Ireland, from Ireland. [...] And sight whereof the saide Edward being amazed, called the Curate of the Towne, and desired him to take the Bible, and to turne to the place of Scripture, where Christ gave authority his Ministers, and willing him to read and use that authority, for the losing of the same eare which was so wrinkled together. The same Edward going to the right eare uttered thereat many Sentences of consolation unto his brother being in a monstrous, and horrible vexation. And then divers of them, tooke upon them to Conjure, and charge the foule Feind as in the first manner, namely; Wee conjure thee in the Name of Jesus Crist our Saviour, the Sonne of the Almightie God, that thou depart and no longer torment the said Alexander. And within a while after, the same Alexander stood up and said; Hee is gone, He is gone. ()