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Assertions for a specific person.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 76A man from the county of Kent, described as an "honest yeoman," who is approached by a con-man (Anonymous 77) who, believing that the Yeoman's "estate and humour to be convenient in this purpose" finally "came a wooing (as they say) to his daughter, to whom he made love cunningly in words." However, seeing that cheating the Yeoman would be a faster way of making money than marrying his daughter, Anoymous claimed he could multiply him money chemically, taking "one angell [to] make two or three." In truth, after a great deal of pomp and ceremony which looked like magic, the Alchemist takes the Yeoman's money, leaving him with a lump of lead.(252-253)I Could cite many Alchymisticall cousenages wrought by Doctor [...]cot, Feates, and such other; but I will passe them over, and only repeat three experiments of that art; the one practiced upon an honest yeoman in the country of Kent, the other upon a mighty prince, the child upon a covetous priest. And first touching the yeoman, he was o[...]aken and used in manner and forme following, by a notable cousening varlet, who professed Alchymistry, juggling, witchcraft, and conjuration: and by means of his companions and confederates discussed the simplicity and ability of the said yeoman, and found out his estate and humour to be convenient in this purpose; and finally came a wooing (as they say) to his daughter, to whom he made love cunningly in words, though his purpose tended to another matter. And among other illusions and tales concerning his owne commendation, for wealth, parents inheritance, alliance, activity, learning, pregnancy, and cunning, he boasted of his knowledge and experience in Alchymistry, making the simple man beleeve that he could multiply, and of one angell make two or three. Which seemed strange to the poor man, insomuch as he because willing enough to see that conclusion: whereby the Alchymister had more hope and comfort to attain his desire, than if his daughter had yeelded to have married him. To be short, he in the presence of the said yeoman, did include within a little ball of virgine wax, a couple of angels; and after certain ceremonies and conjuring words he seemed to deliver the same unto him: but in truth (through legierdemain) he conveyed into the yeomans hand another ball of the same scantling, wherein were inclosed many more angels than were in the ball which he thought he had received. Now (forsooth) the Alchymister ad him lay up the same ball of wax, and also use certain ceremonies (which I thought good here to omit.) And after certain dayes, hours, and minutes, they returned together, according to the appointment, and found great gaines by the multiplication of the angels. Insomuch as he, being a plain man, was hereby perswaded, that he should not only have a rare and notable good sonne in law; but a companion that might help to adde unto his wealth much treasure, and to his estate great fortune and felicity. And to increase this opinion in him, as also to win his further favour; but especially to bring his cunnnig Alchymistry, or rather his lewd purpose to passe; he told him that it were folly to multiply a pound of gold, when as easily they might multiply a million: and therefore counselled him to produce all the money he had, or could borrow of his neighbours and friends; and did put him out of doubt, that he would multiply the same, and redouble it exceedingly, even as he saw by experience how he dealt with the small summe before his face. This yeoman in hope, of gains and preferment, &c. consented to this sweet motion; and brought out and laid before his feet, not the one halfe of his goods, but all that he had, or could make or borrow any manner of way. Then this juggling Alchymister, having obtained his purpose, folded the same in a ball, in quantity farre bigger then the other, and conveying the same into his bosome or pocket, delivered another ball (as before) of the like quantity unto the yeoman, to be reserved and safely kept in his chest; whereof (because the matter was of importance) either of them must have a key, and a severall lock, that no interruption might be made to the ceremony, nor abuse by either of them; in defranding each other. Now (forsooth) these circumstances and ceremonies being ended, and the Alchymisters purpose thereby performed; he told the yeoman that (untill a certain day and hour limited to returne) either of them might imploy themselves about their businesse and necessary affairs; the yeoman to the plough, and he to the city of London, and in the mean time the gold should multiply, &c. But the Alchymister (belike) having other matters of more importance came not just at the hour appointed, nor yet at the day, nor within the year: so as, although it were somewhat against the yeomans conscience to violate his promise, or break the league; yet partly by the longing he had to see, and partly the desire he had to enjoy the fruit of that excellent experiment, having (for his owne security) and the others satisfaction, some testimony at the opening thereof, to witnesse his sincere dealing, he brake up the coffer, and loe he soon espied the ball of waxe, which he himselfe had laid up there with his owne hand. So as he thought (if the hardest should fall) he should find his principall: and why not as good increase hereof now, as of the other before? But alas! when the waxe was broken, and the metall discovered, the gold was much based, and became perfect lead.()