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Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 94A young, pregnant woman seen traveling in the count of Kent, described as "handsome, and decently apparelled," who is given lodging by Mother Watts. Anonymous 94 feels possessed by an evil energy and, with the help of a midwife, Goodwife Hatch, gives birth to a baby described as an "abbortiue and prodigious fruit." It resembles a lump of flesh with deformed facial features, arms growing out of its shoulder with no joints, and fourteen toes on its feet. (Aiii - Biii)Upon the thirty of Iuly last past, 1609. being satterday, there came vnto this old pore womans house, a certaine wandring yong woman, as it seemd great with child, handsome, and decently apparelled, and being not well able to trauell further, by reason of her great belly, euen ready to be deliuered, desired succour of this kind-harted old woman Mother Watts, and that she would graunt her some help and comfort in this her extremitie [...] but her wombe yeelded forth into the world a kind of creature, but no childe rightly shapt, for it was most strange & dreadful to behold, and droue the Midwife goodwife Hatch and the rest of the company into a great fright, euen readie all to sinke downe dead to the ground with feare, whether it were for the sinnes of the Parents, or that God would haue his Iustice, in the estranging of nature for our sinnes here shewen, let the wiser sort imagine: but surely this vnknowne woman yeelded from her wombe such an abbortiue and prodigious fruit, that this ages memorie cannot call to mind the like: for it had no head, nor any signe or proportion thereof, there onely appeared as it were two faces, the one visibly to be seene, directly placed in the breast, where it had a nose, and a mouth, and two holes for two eyes, but no eyes, all which seemed vgly, and most horrible to be seene, and much offenciue to humane nature to be lookt vpon, the other face was not perfectly to be seene, but retained a proportion of flesh in a great round lump, like vnto a face quite disfigured, and this was all of that which could be discerned.()