Project Team

Lead by Kirsten C. Uszkalo, WEME is a relatively complex, interdisciplinary project, with a geographically-dispersed graduate and undergraduate research team, and is therefore an ideal training ground for students interested in learning about working in this manner. I typically involve my research assistants in all phases of the project in order to give them some experience in collaborative work across disciplinary boundaries.

As phase one closes down, I would like to thanks my most recenet RAs: Lauren Johnstone, Maïca Murphy, Seyed Mirtaheri, Anseok Zu Joo, Colette Leung, Amy Dyrbye, Jef Clarkson, and Jillian Bearchief. They gained experience both in the larger context of collaborative research planning and management, and also in some of the detailed components of the work, learning, for example, about classification systems and early modern English witchcraft trials. They were active participants in the process of designing, implementing, and testing the system, and will contribute to the writing and presentation of research reports. These research assistants also contributed to the team discussions, including a project email list, conference calls, and face-to-face meetings.

I would like to thank my past research assistants, Mark Bieber, Matthew Gooding, Eason Hu, Neil Kipling, and Lisa Gilreath Selser, for thier help. I would especially like to thank Lauren Kassell (Cambridge), Amit Kumar (UIUC), Don Foster (Vasser), Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford), and Kamal Ranaweera (UofA) for generously fielding inquiries and/ or providing content and the PASE project for letting us see thier db structure in the formative days of our own. I would like to acknowledge the exceptional and often ongoing contributions of our colleagues Richard Raiswell (UPEI), Alan Bailward, Darren James Harkness (Athabasca), and Trevor Munoz (UIUC).

All site content copyright © Uszkalo except where noted. Images courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.