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Assertions for a specific person.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 146A man from the London Borough of Southwark, who attempts to cure James Barrow of his bewitchment and possession. The gentleman (Anonymosu 146) uses holy water, ribbon, a candle, brimstone, and latin prayers in his curing efforts. None of these methods cure the boy of his possession.(9-10)I told the Lord Abony I would relate the heads of the Boys trouble, but that I feared neither my Memory nor his Patience could bear it. He bad me go on and he would hear me; then I declared to him the whole matter, which after he had heard, he gave me a Ticket to carry to the aforesaid Gentleman at his lodging; But things falling out contrary to our expectation, he being at that time at St. Iames's, we went thither, found him and presented the Ticket to him, which when he had read, he had me bring the Lad into the Queens Chappel, there being more than 500 impotent people, as dumb, lame, blind and the like, yet he medled with none of them, onely read his Ave-Maries, Creeds and the like. Then he called for a Pot of Holy-Water, as they call it, and kneeled down with his Friars, and rising up again, he called for a Ribband, Brimstone and a Candle, the Ribband he tied in three knots about my Boys neck, then takes a piece of paper and burneth the Brimstone under his nose, speaking several words in Latine three times over; The Boy all this time roaring and stamping at their Altar, being so outragious that three or four men were fain to hold him, and as much as they could do.()