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4 records returned.

List of all Event assertions around a specific city

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Joan Cocke is indicted for allegedly bewitching Agnes Cryspe. Cryspe was a one-year-old infant who allegedly was lame, enfeebled and maimed so that the jurors said her life "was despaired of." (http://seax.essexcc.gov.uk/result_details.asp?intOffSet=0&intThisRecordsOffSet=14)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , http://seax.essexcc.gov.uk/result_details.asp?intOffSet=0&intThisRecordsOffSet=14

1567 Brentwood    Essex  Essex  England 

Joan Cocke indicted at the assizes in Brentwood for initially laying her hands on Richard Sherman's knees while in his house and then clapping her hands on his knees, allegedly causing him to become lame. (473)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 473

1557 Brentwood    Essex  Essex  England 

Joan Cocke's daughter (Anonymous 243) is suspected of being a witch because Noble's wife claims to be unable to properly churn her butter.()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

1557 Brentwood    Essex  Essex  England 

Joan Cocke's daughter (Anonymous 243) is suspected of using "witcherie" on Belfild's wife's cows causing one to die and two "miche neate" (dairy cows) to give milk of "all colours."()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

1557 Brentwood    Essex  Essex  England