162 |
Christian Shaw allegedly starts having fits shortly after Agnes Nasmith talks to her. Shaw cries, flies over her bed, and has pains in her side. The fits return in September. She appears to battle an invisible force and is unable to speak. When she can speak, she calls out that Agnes Nasmith and Catherine Campbell were cutting her side.(2)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 2
1696, August |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
163 |
Thomas Lindsay is apprehended on suspicion of being a witch.(25-26)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 25-26
1697, February |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
164 |
Martha Semple and Margaret Lang are accused of harming and bewitching Christian Shaw, causing her to have terrible fits.(27)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 27
1696, February 12 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
373 |
Catherine Campbell of Erskine, Renfrewshire allegedly bewitches Christian Shaw causing her to fly in the air, bash her head, and have fits.(1-2)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 1-2
1696, August |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
375 |
Alexander Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, and Jean Fulton are apprehended and imprisoned for allegedly tormenting Christian Shaw.(23)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 23
1697, February 4 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
376 |
Margaret Lang and Martha Semple of Erskine, Renfrewshire allegedly torment Christian Shaw into having fits where she cannot breathe and her stomach swells up.(30)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 30
1597, February 14 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
398 |
Margaret Fulton allegedly has a witch's mark. (51)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 51
1697 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
399 |
Margaret Fulton allegedly confesses to her husband that she used a charm that appears full of stones and blood.(51)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 51
1697 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
504 |
Christian Shaw has a fit lasting forty-eight hours during which she thrashes violently, does not sleep, and cries out repeatedly for help.(10)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
505 |
Christian Shaw has a series of fits lasting eight days. She is often unable to speak and her body is rigid and contorted, and she has pain in her left side.(11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11
1698 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
506 |
Christian Shaw starts having fits where she seems to have struggles with an invisible adversary. She fights with such force that four men can barely hold her down.(11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
507 |
Christian Shaw has a fit during which she accuses Catherine Campbell and Agnes Nasmisth of cutting her side.(11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
508 |
Christian Shaw can predict her fits by a pain in her side. She has fits during which her throat moves towards her breast and her tongue hangs out below her chin. Her tongue is also tortured when she tries to pray.(11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
512 |
Christian Shaw has extremely violent fits lasting four or five days during which she tries to climb walls, hurt her self, and accuses four men of causing her fits.(14)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 14
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
519 |
Christian Shaw suffers a series of fits lasting months. She is also bewitched so that she is unable to say what the witches forbade her to say.([End Page 29])
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , [End Page 29]
1696 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
520 |
Christian Shaw has a fit during which she accuses Margaret Lang and Martha Semple of bewitching her.(29)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 29
1697, Febraury 14 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
521 |
Christian Shaw has a fit during which the Devil allegedly appears to her in the shape of a man.(29)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 29
1697, February 18 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
627 |
Christian Shaw has fits after coming back from Glasgow. The Devil appears to her and she falls as though dead. She can sometimes predict the onset of her fits.(8)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 8
1696, December |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
797 |
Agnes Nasmith is brought involuntarily before Christian Shaw. Christian Shaw claims that Agnes Nasmith has been troublesome to her in the past, but not anymore.(9-10)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 9-10
1697 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
798 |
Catherine Campbell cannot be convinced to pray for Christian Shaw, but instead curses her and all the family of Bargarren.(10)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10
1697 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
800 |
Christian Shaw starts vomiting hair when Catherine Campbell is taken to the prison. Upon examination at the prison, Catherine Campbell is found to have balls of hair in her pocket and after they are thrown into the fire, Christian Shaw no longer vomits hair.(10)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10
1697 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
801 |
Christian Shaw has violent fits where she cannot be held down, shrieking as though she had been stabbed, and sometimes lying as though dead. She also sings and dances during the fits. During one of the fits she tore off all her head clothes and would have stripped completely if permitted.(10-11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10-11
1697, January 1 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
804 |
Christian suddenly takes flight so swiftly that no one can stop her. The witnesses claim her feet never touched the ground and she reached the gate at which point her family could catch up. Once they find her, she becomes stiff as a corps and must lay down to rest. Christian Shaw claims nine or ten people carried her away.(11)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11
1697, January 11 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
805 |
The apparitions (Anonymous 26) come back to carry Christian Shaw away, but are never able to bring her past the gate. The apparitions allegedly want to drown her in a well. (11-12)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 11-12
1697, January 12 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
806 |
Christian Shaw falls into a violent fit while Mr. Patrick Simpson is reading Psalm 93. She makes noises, laughed, starts sing, and pulls her clothes over her head. When she recovers, she says that she heard her tormentors speak, but before she can relate what they said, she falls into another fit. (12-13)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 12-13
1697, January 12 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
807 |
Christian Shaw tells her mother in the presence of the minister and the elders that she heard her tormentors say they would meet under an orchard. She then falls into another fit. It is later discovered that Elizabeth Anderson, James Lindsay, and Thomas Lindsay said they had met under an orchard at that time, but none had known what Christian Shaw had said.(13)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 13
1697, January 12 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
808 |
Christian Shaw is again carried down the stairs to the cellar where her brother and sister try to hold on to her. Mr. Alexander King grabs a hold of her when the brother and sister have lost her and tries to bring her upstairs again, but claims something is pulling her down. She then falls as though dead on the stairs.(13)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 13
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
809 |
Christian Shaw claims that the Devil is located in the cellar and that if she went down, she might be able to bring him out.(13)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 13
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
810 |
Christian Shaw's parents believe that Christian Shaw screams and shrieks like a creature, but when she overhears this Christian Shaw says it is Margaret that screams and shrieks at night.(14)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 14
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
811 |
After hearing her parents say she screams and shrieks in the night, Christian Shaw will not suffer anyone. She claims her tormentors promised her almonds and sweet treats if she got cravats, string, or aprons.(14)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 14
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
812 |
A young girl with scabs on her face (Anonymous 95) appears with Christian Shaw's tormentors and tell Christian Shaw to meet them the next day and to bring something.(14)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 14
1697, January 14 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
813 |
Christian Shaw vomits many pins and accuses one of her tormentors of having forced the pins in her mouth.(15)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 15
1697, January 16 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
814 |
Christian Shaw has fits during which she groans and sighs and has outcries. She claims various animals press her down on the bed. Shaw's mother and another gentlewoman (Anonymous 96) claim to have seen something as big as a cat stirring under Christian Shaw's bed.(15)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 15
1697, January 21 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
815 |
Christian Shaw claims that her tormentors were engaged by the Devil to carry her out and drown her in the well.(15-16)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 15-16
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
816 |
Christian Shaw has milder fits. Sometimes she is struck dumb or as though dead with her jaw opened so wide it seemed as though she was dead. Sometimes she would lie as though her neck and feet were tied together. Sometimes prayer abate her fits, but she also sometimes has fits making loud noises to cover the words of the person praying.(16)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 16
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
817 |
Christian Shaw has a particularly turbulent fit on 22 January, 1697. She starts singing, making hideous noises, and striking blows during the minister's prayer.(16)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 16
1697, January 22 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
818 |
Christian Shaw has violent fits during which she claims to have over fifteen tormentors.(17)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 17
1697, January 22 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
819 |
Christian Shaw's brother and sister claim seeing a woman with a red coat (Anonymous 97) in the garden even though every visitor had left.(17)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 17
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
820 |
Christian Shaw has violent fits during the evening on the same day that her siblings saw the lady in the red coat (Anonymous 97). Christian Shaw is senseless and breathless. Many witness her stomach swell, her eyes swell and her hands that are enchanted and try to strangle her.(17-18)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 17-18
1697, January |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
835 |
Christian Shaw can no longer breathe during her fit. for several days, she looks as though she is being choked during her fits. She is also unable to eat her meat and laughs and rejoices when "any thing had fallen out amiss in the place where she was."(19)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 19
1697, January 25 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
836 |
Christian Shaw tries to say some things that had been forbidden by her tormentors. At the beginning of her fits, she looks around the room, but cannot always say what she sees. During her fit, he is also unable to call to the Lord Jesus Christ for help and is thrown on the floor where she lays as though dead for a few days.(19-20)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 19-20
1697, February 1 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
837 |
Christian Shaw claims that her fits are caused by a charm cast on her by her tormentors. She finds something like an egg-shell underneath her bed which she suspects is the charm used by her tormentors. Once the charm is discovered, she can say things that previously she could not, like that her tormentors had often solicited her to become a witch.(20)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 20
1697, February 1 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
838 |
Christian Shaw claims that Maggi (Margaret) placed a charm on the house in which her little sister lived.(20-21)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 20-21
1697, February 1 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
839 |
Christian Shaw alleges that John Lindsay is one of her most violent tormentors. She is immediately afterward seized with a fit.(21)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 21
1697, February 2 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
840 |
An old highland fellow (Anonymous 98) comes to Bargarren looking for lodging. Christian Shaw tells her mother and another gentlewoman that her tormentor is near and, going into the kitchen where the old highland fellow sit, she accuses him of being a tormentor and falls into a violent fit at his touch.(21-22)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 21-22
1697, February |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
841 |
The minister tests whether or not Christian Shaw faked her fit after being touched by the old highland fellow (Anonymous 98). He puts a sheet over her and, without her knowing, gets Anonymous 98 to touch her again. Christian Shaw immediately has another fit which stops as soon as he removes his hand.(22)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 22
1697, February |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
842 |
Jean Fulton allegedly confesses that the Devil often did come to her and keep her company in the shape of a small black man.(23)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 23
1697, February 5 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
843 |
Elizabeth Anderson confesses to Bargarren of having been imprecated in witchcraft, tormenting Christian Shaw, and having had several meetings with witches and the Devil. She also accuses her father and the old highland fellow (Anonymous 98) of tormenting Christian Shaw.(23)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 23
1697, February 5 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
844 |
Christian Shaw is confronted by six of her tormentors at Bargarren in front of ministers and the commissioner. She falls into fits at each one of their touches.(23-24)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 23-24
1697, February 5 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
845 |
Christian Shaw has a fit during which she seems to chew on an orange pill. She seems to choke during her fit, but recovers. She claims the gentlewoman gave her the orange pill and that there had been other, particularly Maggi (Margaret).(24)
Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 24
1697, February 6 |
Erskine |
Erskine |
Renfrewshire |
County of Ayr |
Scotland |
50 records returned.