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50 records returned.

List of all events occurring in the personshorttitle of a given text

ID Short Description & Text Name Preferred Name Person Type

A seventeen-year old girl, daughter of Alice Norrington, and the servant of William Sponer, from Westwell street in Kent, who was allegedly possessed by Satan "night and day" and who "rored and cried mightilie" under examination. The devil who possessed Mildred Norrington was allegedly kept by a woman only known as "Old Alice" with whom he had been with for twenty years. The Devil had been sent about a year ago in the shape of two birds to kill Mildred Norrington.Norrington, the "Pythonist of Westwell," retracted her possession while under examination.(71)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 71

Mildred Norrington Mildred Norrington Demoniac

The mother of alleged demoniac Mildred Norrington.(71)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 71

Alice Norrington Alice Norrington Witness

A man who employed alleged demoniac Mildred Norrington as his servant, and witness to her possession(71)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 71

William Spooner William Spooner Witness

A minister from Westwall who assisted in the dispossession of Mildred Norrington()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Roger Newman Roger Newman Preacher/Minister

A minister from Westwall who assisted in the dispossession of Mildred Norrington()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Roger Newman Roger Newman Exorcist

A minister from Kinington, who came to assist in Mildred Norrington's dispossession(71)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 71

John Brainford John Brainford Preacher/Minister

A minister from Kinington, who came to assist in Mildred Norrington's dispossession(71)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 71

John Brainford John Brainford Exorcist

A witness to Mildred Norrington's possession and dispossession()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Thomas Taylor Thomas Taylor Witness

A witness to Mildred Norrington's possession and dispossession()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

John Taylor John Taylor Witness

A witness to Mildred Norrington's possession and dispossession(72)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 72

John Frenchborne John Frenchborne Witness

A witness to Mildred Norrington's possession and dispossession(72)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 72

Frenchborne Mrs. Frenchborne Witness

An honest gentleman, of forty pounds a year, who was allegedly bewitched by Old Alice, by means of her familiars Partner and Little Devil. He languished and died(72)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 72

Richard Anger Richard Anger Victim

The son of a gentleman landowner who, like his father, was allegedly killed by Old Alice's familiars, Partner and Little Devil()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Edward Anger Edward Anger Victim

A woman from West Wall, who was allegedly killed by Old Alice's familiars Partner and Little Devil()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Wolton Mrs. Wolton Victim

A woman who was accused by Mildred Norrington, during her possession, of being a witch, and sending her familiars to kill and steal. The voice of her accuser was that of her Partner, which spoke through Norrington(72)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 72

Old Alice Witch

A Justice of the Peace who interrogated Mildred Norrington and was instrumental in encouraging her to admit her possession was feigned. He worked alongside Mr. George Darrel. He is also responsible for exposing Anonymous 469 in Westwell in Kent.(74)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 74

Thomas Wooton Thomas Wooton Witness

A Justice of the Peace who interrogated Mildred Norrington and was instrumental in encouraging her to admit her possession was feigned. He worked alongside Mr. Thomas Wooton, and also exposed a con in Westwall in Kent involving Anonymous 469.(74)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 74

George Darel George Darrel Witness

A witness to Mildred Norrington's possession and dispossession(72)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 72

Taylor Mrs. Henry Taylor Witness

A woman from Brenchly in Kent, and the wife of John Simons, who is accused by John Ferrall of bewitching his son (Anonymous 74) after the boy attacks Simons' dog with a knife.(3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

Margaret Simons Margaret Simons Witch

A young boy, and the son of John Ferrall, who is allegedly bewitched by Margaret Simons after attacking her dog with a knife. He becomes very ill five days after the incident occurs, but recovers with the help of another witch.(3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

Anonymous 74 Victim

A vicar in the county of Kent who accuses Margaret Simons of bewitching his son (Anonymous 74) after his son attacks Simons' dog with a knife.(3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

John Ferrel John Ferrall Witness

A vicar in the county of Kent who accuses Margaret Simons of bewitching his son (Anonymous 74) after his son attacks Simons' dog with a knife.(3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

John Ferrel John Ferrall Preacher/Minister

A cunning woman and witch, from Rochester in the county of Kent, she is known as 'the great witch of Rochester,' but described by Reginald Scot as a "cousening queane." Bungy is renown for her ability to foretell and prophesy.(80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342

Bungy Mother Bungy Cunning-folk

A cunning woman and witch, from Rochester in the county of Kent, she is known as 'the great witch of Rochester,' but described by Reginald Scot as a "cousening queane." Bungy is renown for her ability to foretell and prophesy.(80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342

Bungy Mother Bungy Witch

A cunning woman and witch, from Rochester in the county of Kent, she is known as 'the great witch of Rochester,' but described by Reginald Scot as a "cousening queane." Bungy is renown for her ability to foretell and prophesy.(80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 80, 116, 125, 126, 324, 341-342

Bungy Mother Bungy Prophet

A professor of Physic and Surgery, presumably from Rochester in the county of Kent, who allegedly taught Mother Bungy about human anatomy and surgery(341-342)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 341-342

Heron Dr. Heron Physician

An archer, of the town Malling in Kent, who is accused of playing with a fly devil or familiar that enhances his skill in archery. The archer won two or three shillings as a result of his advanced abilities, and was then severely punished by authority figures to appease the other angered archers and to overthrow witchcraft.(52)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 52

Anonymous 75 Witch

An archer, of the town Malling in Kent, who is accused of playing with a fly devil or familiar that enhances his skill in archery. The archer won two or three shillings as a result of his advanced abilities, and was then severely punished by authority figures to appease the other angered archers and to overthrow witchcraft.(52)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 52

Anonymous 75 Victim

A man from the county of Kent, described as an "honest yeoman," who is approached by a con-man (Anonymous 77) who, believing that the Yeoman's "estate and humour to be convenient in this purpose" finally "came a wooing (as they say) to his daughter, to whom he made love cunningly in words." However, seeing that cheating the Yeoman would be a faster way of making money than marrying his daughter, Anoymous claimed he could multiply him money chemically, taking "one angell [to] make two or three." In truth, after a great deal of pomp and ceremony which looked like magic, the Alchemist takes the Yeoman's money, leaving him with a lump of lead.(252-253)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 252-253

Anonymous 76 Victim

An man from the county of Kent described as a "a notable cousening varlet, who professed Alchymistry, juggling, witchcraft, and conjuration." Believing that the Yeoman's "estate and humour to be convenient" for providing him a comfortable lifestyle, he originally "came a wooing (as they say) to his daughter, to whom he made love cunningly in words." However, seeing that cheating the Yeoman would be a faster way of making money than marrying his daughter, Anonymous 77 claimed he could multiply him money chemically, taking "one angell [to] make two or three." In truth, after a great deal of pomp and ceremony which looked like magic, the Alchemist takes the Yeoman's money, leaving him with a lump of lead.(252-253)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 252-253

Anonymous 77 Magician

A Master of Art and practitioner of Physick who learns his craft from a three-hundred year old book written by Sir John Malborne, a divine of Oxenford. (337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

T. E. T. E. Physician

A Master of Art and practitioner of Physick who learns his craft from a three-hundred year old book written by Sir John Malborne, a divine of Oxenford. (337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

T. E. T. E. Magician

The author of "Scot's discovery of witchcraft" who receives a written confession by T. E. that explains how he learned the illusion and invention of art and science. (337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Reginald Scot Reginald Scot Author

The author of "Scot's discovery of witchcraft" who receives a written confession by T. E. that explains how he learned the illusion and invention of art and science. (337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Reginald Scot Reginald Scot Celebrity

The author of "Scot's discovery of witchcraft" who receives a written confession by T. E. that explains how he learned the illusion and invention of art and science. (337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Reginald Scot Reginald Scot Witness

A divine from Oxenford who wrote a book in the 1200s that T. E. uses in the 1500s to learn the illusion and invention of art and science from.(337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Sir John Malborne Sir John Malborne Author

A divine from Oxenford who wrote a book in the 1200s that T. E. uses in the 1500s to learn the illusion and invention of art and science from.(337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Sir John Malborne Sir John Malborne Celebrity

A parson of Slangham in Sussex who T. E. entrusts to keep safe an Anglo-Saxon book written by Sir John Malborne, a divine of Oxenford. Reginald Scot writes to the parson asking him to send the book, but the parson will not allow it leave his company.(337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Anonymous 78 Preacher/Minister

A parson of Slangham in Sussex who T. E. entrusts to keep safe an Anglo-Saxon book written by Sir John Malborne, a divine of Oxenford. Reginald Scot writes to the parson asking him to send the book, but the parson will not allow it leave his company.(337-338)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 337-338

Anonymous 78 Witness

A renown magician who worked with a trained dog. Among his many other (sleight of hand) practices, he allegedly pretended he could speak with the dead and conjure familiars (for sale) (97)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 97

Thomas Hllles Thomas Hilles (aka Feats) Witch

A renown magician who worked with a trained dog. Among his many other (sleight of hand) practices, he allegedly pretended he could speak with the dead and conjure familiars (for sale) (97)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 97

Thomas Hllles Thomas Hilles (aka Feats) Magician

A famous physician and alchemist in England who infamously sold purgatives. Likely Queen Elizabeth's German physician, Burchard Kranich, who was often referred to by contemporaries as Dr. Burcot. The same Burcot who also appears in Henry Chettle's Kind Harts Dream. Burcot allegedly 'bought' a familiar spirit from Thomas Hilles (aka Feats), with which he "thought to have wrought miracles, or rather to have gained good store of money." The combination of his purgatives and his move into magics make one think he may have practiced exorcisms. (107)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 107

Burcot Dr. Burcot Physician

A witch who is also able to identify who bewitched the young maid Stuppeny. The young maid of Stuppeny's parents come to see Mother Baker is order to find out who bewitched their daughter. They suspect their neighbour and Mother Baker confirms this suspicion.(146)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 146

Baker Mother Baker Witch-Searcher

A witch who is also able to identify who bewitched the young maid Stuppeny. The young maid of Stuppeny's parents come to see Mother Baker is order to find out who bewitched their daughter. They suspect their neighbour and Mother Baker confirms this suspicion.(146)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 146

Baker Mother Baker Witch

A man who consults Mother Baker to find out who bewitched his daughter.(146)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 146

M.L. Stuppeny M.L. Stuppeny Witness

A young maid allegedly bewitched by her neighbour.(146)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 146

Stuppeny Stuppeny daughter Victim

A woman who consults Mother Baker to find out who bewitched her daughter.(146)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 146

Stuppeny Mrs. Stuppeny Witness

A woman who witnesses Mildred Norrington during one of her extreme and violent fits.()

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: ,

Frenchborne Mrs. John Frenchborne Witness

A witch who restores John Ferralls son (Anonymous 74) back to perfect health after he had allegedly been bewitched by Margaret Simons. (3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

Anonymous 206 Witch

A witch who restores John Ferralls son (Anonymous 74) back to perfect health after he had allegedly been bewitched by Margaret Simons. (3-4)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 3-4

Anonymous 206 Un-witcher