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7 records returned.

List of all events occurring in the personshorttitle of a given text

ID Short Description & Text Name Preferred Name Person Type

A man who travels from village to village to prick women in order to determine whether or not they are witches.(113)

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796, 113

Thomas Shovel Thomas Shovel Witch-Searcher

A man who travels from village to village to prick women in order to determine whether or not they are witches.(113)

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796, 113

Cuthbert Nicholson Cuthbert Nicholson Witch-Searcher

A Scottish Witch Finder imported to Newcaste to try witches there.()

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796,

Anonymous 141 Witch-Searcher

A Scottish Witch Finder imported to Newcaste to try witches there.()

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796,

Anonymous 141 Celebrity

A man who determines that Anonymous 143 is not a witch. He then moves to Northumberland where he works as a witch-finder charging three pounds per case. (116)

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796, 116

Bartholomew Hobson Bartholomew Hobson Examiner/Justice

A man who determines that Anonymous 143 is not a witch. He then moves to Northumberland where he works as a witch-finder charging three pounds per case. (116)

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796, 116

Bartholomew Hobson Bartholomew Hobson Witch-Searcher

A woman who is tried twice. At first, she is determined to be a witch, but during a second trial, it is determined that she is not a witch.(115)

Appears in:
Gardiner, Ralph . England's Grievance Discovered. Unknown: 1796, 115

Anonymous 143 Victim