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A young boy from Walsham-le-Willows in the county of Suffolk, who on December 24th at eleven years of age "laye in a traunce the spaceof tenne dayes." During this time, he took no sustenance, nor said a word. Upon coming back to himself, "he declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come," and continued to do so for three weeks. Generally, his prophecies relate to praising God, and are told in a "voyce seemeth to bee of such power that all the bedde shaketh." Master Ashley, Esquire, visits the child with a company of men. During this visit, William Withers singles out the servant, Smith, and scolds him for wearing "great and monstrous ruffes," which make the servant vain and "in such abhominable pride," as to subject him to "euerlasting tormentes in hell fire." This was Smith's second warning, and upon hearing it, "as one prickt in conscience, he sorrowed & wept for his offence." He took the cloth band from around his neck, and cut it into pieces using a knife, and vowed never to wear anything like it again. A minister, Mr. Gatton, and two knights, Sir William Spring and Sir Robert [...]armine, visit William Withers during this time as well, who all believe the child's word is true, and that he is an instrument of God.(Cover)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , Cover

William Withers William Withers Divine

A man from Barrow in the county of Suffolk, who comes to visit the child William Withers in Walsham-le-Willows as "a learned preacher," after the boy allegedly woke from a ten day trance, able to "declareth most straunge and rare things, which are to come." After speaking to the boy, he found him "perfect in the Scriptures." He supports all the counsel the boy gives, to "rouze vs vp from our sinnes."(9-10)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 9-10

Gatton Mr. Gatton Preacher/Minister

A man from an unknown area of Suffolk, who comes to Walsham-le-Willows with some of his men, to "heare and behold" the eleven year old child William Withers. Master Ashley is described as "a Gentleman of greate credite and worship." The child allegedly woke after ten days in a trance without speaking or sustenance, to "declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come." A servant in his company of men, one Smith, is singled out by William Withers as being vain and proud, and William Withers predicts he will be subject "to euerlasting tormentes in hell fire."(10-12)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10-12

Ashley Master Ashley Witness

A man from an unknown area of the county of Suffolk, who accompanies his master, Master Ashley, Esquire, "a Gentleman of greate credite and worship," in a company of men to Walsham-le-Willows. They seek to visit the eleven year old child William Withers who after ten days in a trance without speaking or sustenance, awoke to "declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come." William Withers picks out Smith, and "spake vnto him vehemently," telling him that he should mourn for his sins for being so vain and "in such abhominable pride to pranke vp himselfe like the diuels darling, the very father of pride and lying." Smith is guilty of vanity by wearing "great and monstrous ruffes," and William Withers further warns him that he will be subject to "euerlasting tormentes in hell fire." This was Smith's second warning, and upon hearing it, "as one prickt in conscience, he sorrowed & wept for his offence." He took the cloth band from around his neck, and cut it into pieces using a knife, and vowed never to wear anything like it again.(10-12)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10-12

Smith Smith Witness

A man from an unknown area of Suffolk, who visits the child William Withers in Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk, as a "right worshipfull and vertuous knight," along with his companion, Sir Robert [...]armine. William Withers emerged from a ten day trance during which he neither spoke nor had sustenance, but awoke to "declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come." Sir William Spring and his companion find the boy's words true, and believe he is an instrument of God.(10)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10

William Spring Sir William Spring Witness

A man from an unknown area of Suffolk, who visits the child William Withers in Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk, as a "right worshipfull and vertuous knight," along with his companion, Sir William Spring. William Withers emerged from a ten day trance during which he neither spoke nor had sustenance, but awoke to "declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come." Sir Robert [...]armine and his companion find the boy's words true, and believe he is an instrument of God.(10)

Appears in:
, . . Unknown: , 10

Robert [...]armine Sir Robert [...]armine Witness