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34 records returned.

List of all events occurring in the personshorttitle of a given text

ID Short Description & Text Name Preferred Name Person Type

A woman accused of bewitching a little girl and executed for witchraft(27)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 27

Margaret Lang Margaret Lang Witch

A maid from Erskine, Renfrewshire who allegedly says words about the devil thus bewitching Christian Shaw into flying around the room (1-2)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 1-2

Catherine Campbell Catherine Campbell Witch

A man from Glasgow, Scotland, who allegedly torments Christian Shaw.(7)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 7

Alexander Anderson Alexander Anderson Witch

A man from Glasgow, Scotland who allegedly torments Christian Shaw(7)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 7

James Anderson James Anderson Witch

A woman who confesses to conspiring with the devil(156)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 156

Christian Green Christian Green Witch

A woman accused of bewitching Christian Shaw and another young girl(27)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 27

Martha Semple Martha Semple Witch

A young boy who was apprehended under suspicion that he practiced withcraft(24)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 24

Thomas Lindsay Thomas Lindsay Witch

A man who observes Christian Shaw vomit "coal-finders" the size of chesnuts.(4)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 4

Brisbane Dr. Brisbane Witness

A man who observes Christian Shaw vomit "coal-finders" the size of chesnuts.(4)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 4

Brisbane Dr. Brisbane Un-witcher

A man who observes Christian Shaw vomit "coal-finders" the size of chesnuts.(4)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 4

Brisbane Dr. Brisbane Physician

A man from Renfrew and Christian Shaw's father. He witnesses many of her fits and takes her to Glasgow to be examined by a physician.(1)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 1

John Shaw John Shaw Witness

A woman from Erksine who is Christian Shaw's mother. (9)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 9

Christian Shaw's Mother Witness

A family on whom Catherine Campbell allegedly places a curse.(10)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 10

Bargarren Bargarren (Plural) Victim

A man who tries to hold down Christian Shaw during a fit and who examines her at home during her possession.(11)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 11

The Minister Preacher/Minister

A neighbouring minister who comes to see Christian Shaw. (12-13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 12-13

Patrick Simpson Patrick Simpson Preacher/Minister

A neighbouring minister who comes to see Christian Shaw. (12-13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 12-13

Patrick Simpson Patrick Simpson Witness

An elder who accompanies Mr. Patrick Simpson on his visit to Christian Shaw.(12-13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 12-13

Anonymous 324 Witness

An elder who accompanies Mr. Patrick Simpson on his visit to Christian Shaw.(12-13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 12-13

Anonymous 325 Witness

An elder who accompanies Mr. Patrick Simpson on his visit to Christian Shaw.(12-13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 12-13

Anonymous 326 Witness

A man from Renfrewshire in the county of Renfrew, described as a minister who tries to help Christian Shaw during a fit. He pulls her as he claims she is being drawn forcibly down.(13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 13

Alexander King Alexander King Preacher/Minister

A girl, Christian Shaw's sister, who tries to hold on to Christian Shaw when she is allegedly being taken away during a fit. (13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 13

Shaw Shaw (Sibling-Sister) Witness

A man, Christian Shaw's brother, who tries to hold on to Christian Shaw when she is allegedly being taken away during a fit.(13)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 13

Shaw Shaw (Sibling-Brother) Witness

A woman called Margaret, one of three women, or "a crew of women" called Margaret or Maggi. In Shaw's representation these women are represented as a conflation of harpies, familiars, and witches. This Margaret shrieks like a woman possessed, and, as such, seems to be represented as bewitching as she is bewitched. According to Shaw, these women are poised to "carry her out of the House that they might drown her in the Well, where there were eighteen more waiting for her."(14)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 14

Margaret Margaret Witch

A woman called Margaret, one of three women, or "a crew of women" called Margaret or Maggi. In Shaw's representation these women are represented as a conflation of harpies, familiars, and witches. This Margaret shrieks like a woman possessed, and, as such, seems to be represented as bewitching as she is bewitched. According to Shaw, these women are poised to "carry her out of the House that they might drown her in the Well, where there were eighteen more waiting for her."(14)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 14

Margaret Margaret Demoniac

A woman called Margaret, one of three women, or "a crew of women" called Margaret or Maggi. In Shaw's representation these women are represented as a conflation of harpies, familiars, and witches. This Margaret shrieks like a woman possessed, and, as such, seems to be represented as bewitching as she is bewitched. According to Shaw, these women are poised to "carry her out of the House that they might drown her in the Well, where there were eighteen more waiting for her."(14)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 14

Margaret Margaret Victim

A young girl with scabs on her face who appears along with Christian Shaw's tormentors. (14)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 14

Anonymous 95 Witch

A woman who claims, along with Christian Shaw's mother, of seeing something as big as a cat stir under Christian Shaw's covers.(15)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 15

Anonymous 96 Witness

A woman wearing a red coat who is seen walking in the Shaws' garden.(17)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 17

Anonymous 97 Witch

A man who comes to Bargarren and who is immediately accused by Christian Shaw of being one of her tormentors.(21-22)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 21-22

Anonymous 98 Witch

A man to which the old highland fellow seeks lodging.(21-22)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 21-22

Bargarren Bargarren Witness

An elderly woman, Elizabeth Anderson's grandmother, who is apprehended under suspicion of being a with because she cursed and was allegedly involved in mischief.(23)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 23

Jean Fulton Jean Fulton Witch

A man who is appointed by King James II (along with ten others) to look into the problem of witches and witchcraft in Renfrew and oversees, for one, the case of Christian Shaw.(23-24)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 23-24

Blantyre Lord Blantyre Examiner/Justice

A man who is appointed by King James II (along with ten others) to look into the problem of witches and witchcraft in Renfrew and oversees, for one, the case of Christian Shaw.(23-24)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 23-24

Blantyre Lord Blantyre Witness

The author of Sadducimus debellatus: or, a true narrative of the sorceries and witchcrafts, asserts that over time the devil has altered his form to suit his varying purposes, stating that In the darkness of Popery he was transformed into a more innocent sort of Spirit called Brownie or Fairy. (2)

Appears in:
Cullen, Francis Grant. Sadducimus Debellatus. London: 1698, 2

Lord Francis Grant Cullen Lord Francis Grant Cullen Author