How to Cite WEME

This website and database were created by Kirsten C. Uszkalo with financial support from the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada.

If you use information from this website in something you have written, please acknowledge us as your source.

Please use the normal convention for websites of your citation style. The following is an example in MLA format:

Uszkalo, Kirsten C. The Witches in Early Modern England Project. 2011. [date of access]. <>.

If you wish to cite a specific tool, you would use this citation:

Uszkalo, Kirsten C. "Throwing Bones" The Witches in Early Modern England Project. 2011. [date of access]. <>.

This website and database and all of their contents are the copyright of Kirsten C. Uszkalo and reproduction is only permitted in accordance with the following terms:

  • You may view the database and download it to file or print for the purposes of private reference, research or study.
  • You may not (a) store it or print out copies of it (or any part of it) other than for the purposes set out in this paragraph; or (b) reproduce, copy or transmit it (or any part of it) in any other way for any purpose or in any other medium, without our prior written permission.

All site content copyright © Uszkalo except where noted. Images courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.