WEME Presentation at Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference in Victoria, British Columnbia

WEME talk and Witch Tools Browser Preview

WEME was very pleased to be invited to present a panel at this year's PNRC in Victoria. Lauren Johnstone, Seyed MirTaheri, and Kirsten C. Uszkalo were the representative WEME crew in attendance. Johnstone explained the practical how and the scholarly why of the data assertions, Mir Taheri explained the inner workings of the workings of the WEME system, and Uszkalo bracketed their talks with a history  and philosophy of the project a demonstration of the resources available through WEME, including the prototype for the Witch Tools Browser which encourages concurrent use of all of the WEME resources.

We would like to thank Erin Kelly for her invitation to participate in the 2010 PNRC. 

All site content copyright © Uszkalo except where noted. Images courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.