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Name Description Original Text
Justice FosterA man from Nuham in the County of Northumberland, known to be a Justice of the Peace. Mary Moore gave him information about both John Hutton and Dorothy Swinow in order to gain their apprehension. Justice Foster had Hutton apprehended and imprisoned at Newcastle Gaol, but not Swinow. He also heard Margaret White's confession, in which she accused Swinow and Jane Martin of killing the infant Sibilla Moore.(10, 12)Now whilest he was there the Girle was never troubled, but he was not past the Townes end, till she fell into a terrible fit; saying, DOROTHT SVVINOVV with two Witches more were come to torment her worse then ever HUTTON did, and the one was a yong woman, and the other an old: So that till they had Justice of DOROTHY SVVINOVV, her mother and they should never be at peace: Upon this her mother rid to Justice FOSTER of Nuham, and upon Oath gave Information against both HUTTON and Mrs. SVVINOVV, to apprehend them, who after delayes apprehended him, and sent him to Newcastle Goale, but not her, though it will appeare she was three several times in his company after he had the Information upon Oath, whereof he gave her a Coppy, with the Coppy of HUTTONS Examination, but would never let Mrs. MUSCHAMP see it; seeing that delay, she spoke with a Durham Justice at Bellford, which not being in the County, and in haste he could not grant her a Warrant to apprehend the sayd Mrs. SVVINOVV; but bid Mr. FOSTER doe Justice, which is not yet done. [...] In the meane time Colonel SVVINOVV dyed, and she comes into the Countrey, and because FOSTER would doe no justice, I got her apprehended in Berwick; she made such friends that it was a greater freedome to her then she had formerly from all other Lawes, and went at pleasure.()