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Assertions for a specific being.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 200A male baby, born of Anthony Smith's wife, that has no limbs or tongue. Upon its birth, the baby had "neyther hande, foote, leege, nor arme, but on the left syde it hath a Stumpe growynge out of the shoulder, and the ende thereof is rounde, and not so long as it should go to the elbowe, and on the ryghte syde no mencion of any thing where any arme should be, but a litel stumpe of one ynche in length." The baby is said to be cursed by its illegitimacy, with both its mother and father being married and having had children previously with other people.O[n] Tuysday being the .xxi. day of Apryll, in this yeare of our Lorde God a thousand fyue hundred thre score and two, there was borne a man childe of this maymed forme at Muche Horkesley in Essex, a village about thre myles from Colchester, betwene a naturall father and a naturall mother hauing neyther hande, foote, legge, nor arme, but on the left syde it hath a Stumpe growynge out of the shoulder, and the ende thereof is rounde, and not so long as it should go to the elbowe, and on the ryghte syde no mencion of any thing where any arme should be, but a litel stumpe of one ynche in length, also on the left buttocke there is a stumpe comming out of the length of the thygh almost to the knee, and round at the ende, and groweth something ouerthwart towardes the place where the ryght legge should be, and where the ryghte legge should be, there is no mencion of anye legge or stumpe. Also it hath a Codde and stones but no yearde, but a lytell hole for the water to issue out. Finallye it hath by estimation no tounge, by reason whereof it sucketh not, but is succoured wyth liquide substaunce put into the mouth by droppes, and nowe begynneth to feede wyth pappe beyng very well fauoured, and of good and cheareful face. The aforesayde Anthony Smyth of Much Horkesley husbandman and his wyfe, were both maryed to others before, and haue had dyuers chyldren, but this deformed childe is the fyrst that the sayd Anthony and his wyfe had betwene them two, it is a man chylde. This chylde was begot out of matrimony, but borne in matrimonye. And at the makynge hereof was liuing, and like to continue.

Appears in:
Anonymous. The True Reporte of the Forme and Shape of a Monstrous Childe, borne at Muche Horkesleye. London: 1562, 1