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Assertions for a specific being.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 201A stillborn baby born of a young woman (Anonymous 20). The baby "was born, but dead, and there it was shewed, and from thence caryed into the Church-yard a day or two after, and there buried." The baby was considered a monster, likely because of an unmentioned deformity. This Gentlewoman (for so she is both by Birth and Mariage) was delivered of this Monster at her Husbands house in Kirkeham Parish aforesaid, and about a mile from Kirkeham Town, where the Midwife being sent for came to her, and delivered her in that house, the Child (or rather Monster) was born, but dead, and there it was shewed, and from thence caryed into the Church-yard a day or two after, and there buried: after which, some (in Gentlemens habit) were seen to go in; supposed to be Popish Priests and Fryars: and thus you have the place where this Monster was brought forth.

Appears in:
Anonymous. A Declaration of a Strange and Wonderful Monster: Born in Kirkham parish in Lancashire. London: 1646, 4