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Assertions for a specific being.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 196A monster found by John Vandael of Amersfoort inside the entrails of a dead cow. The monster has a head "like an Otters head, but rounder; it had the nose and mouth of a man, but eares like vnto a Dogge, yet the shape of the eyes resembled much a mans." Additionally, the monster also has "a huge long tongue, like vnto a Cow or some other beast of that kinde," as well as a "fleshy colour" and a mouth "all growne about with hayre."IN this present yeare of our Lord, 1619. the first of October, in the prouince of Vtrecht in the aforementioned Amersford, dwelleth a man very wealthy, and of good reputation among his neighbours, named Iohn Vandael, by trade a Malt-man, who for his owne prouision, caused a Cow to be killed, in whose intrailes this most deformed and fearefull Monster was found, and the same was laid without the gates of the Citie vpon a dung-hill, to which wonderfull and fearefull spectacle the whole Citie, both young and old, rich and poore, came to behold: for it was in shape as followeth. The head was like an Otters head, but rounder: it had the nose and mouth of a man, but eares like vnto a Dogge, yet the shape of the eyes resembled much a mans: the colour of it was a fleshy colour, and about the body a scarfe of flesh, the shoulders were like vnto a mans to the elbow, and the priuy members not vnlike. The foreside was such as hath beene spoken, but behinde it had a crooked tayle, out of the mouth also did hang a huge long tongue, like vnto a Cow or some other beast of that kinde. The feet thereof very like vnto a hogges, and the mouth was all growne about with hayre. Moreouer, the knees were like two Pompions, fine and round.

Appears in:
Anonymous. Two Remarkable and True Histories, which Happened this Present Year, 1619. London: 1620, 9-10