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Assertions for a specific being.

Name Description Original Text
Anonymous 33A familiar spirit from Chatton in the County of Northumberland, appearing in the form of a black greyhound, which Margaret White, in her confession, claimed came to her after she had made a malefic compact with the Devil.MARGARET WHITE of CHATTON, her owne Confession of her selfe. COnfesseth and saith, That she hath beene the Divels servant these five yeares last past, and that the Divell came to her in the likenes of a man in blew cloaths, in her owne house, and griped her fast by the hand, and told her she should never want, and gave her a nip on the shoulder, and another on her back; And confesseth her Familiar came to her in the likenesse of a black Grey-hound, and that the Divell had carnall knowledge of her in her owne house two severall times.

Appears in:
Moore, Mary. Wonderfull Newes from the North. London: 1650, 24