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List of all Event assertions around a specific date

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Ursley Kempe allegedly bewitches Grace Thurlowe's infant, causing the child to fall out of her cradle and break its neck. Kempe later confessed to this crime, claiming that she had sent her familiar Tyffin to hide in the cradle and rock it, jostling the infant, causing it to fall out and break its neck. (Av-A2)

Appears in:
W., W. . A True and Just Record, of the Information, Examination and Confession of all the Witches, taken at S. Osyth in the county of Essex. London: 1582, Av-A2

1581   St. Osyth; St. Ofes; St. Oses  Essex  Essex  England 

Annis Letherdall accuses Ursley Kempe of bewitching her daughter, Elizabeth Letherdall. Kempe had sent her own son, Thomas Rabbet to Letherdall's home to request some scouring sand, and offered to dye some hose in return. Letherdall refused and sent Kempe's son away empty handed. Upon witnessing Letherdall's daughter Elizabeth carry some sand to another neighbor, Kempe cursed the girl in revenge, causing her belly and private parts to swell. (5)

Appears in:
W., W. . A True and Just Record, of the Information, Examination and Confession of all the Witches, taken at S. Osyth in the county of Essex. London: 1582, 5

1581   St. Osyth; St. Ofes; St. Oses  Essex  Essex  England 

Margaret Simons is accused by John Ferrall, a vicar in Kent, of bewitching his son (Anonymous 74). Allegedly, Simons cursed Ferrall's son (Anonymous 74) after he attacked her dog with a knife. Five days after the incident the boy (Anonymous 74) became very ill, but was able to recover with the help of another witch. (3-4)

Appears in:
Scot, Reginald. Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft Proving the Common Opinions of Witches Contracting with Devils, Spirits, or Familiars. London: 1651, 3-4

1581     Kent  Cantia  England 

Davie Thurlowe, who is "strangely taken and greatly tormented," and whose had in twisted fully backwards, allegedly recovers from his torments after Ursley Kempe visits him. Kempe had employed a combination of countermagic and reassurance to do this work. She took Davie's hand and said "A good childe howe art thou loden and so went thrise out of the doores, and euery time when shee came in shee tooke the childe by the hands, and saide A good childe howe art thou loden." Kempe reassured Thurlow, firmly stating "I warrant thee I, thy Childe shall doe well enough." Grace Thurlowe, under examination by Brain Darcey, tells this story to Brian Darcy, shortly before she recounts how her and Kempe had fallen out. (A-A2)

Appears in:
W., W. . A True and Just Record, of the Information, Examination and Confession of all the Witches, taken at S. Osyth in the county of Essex. London: 1582, A-A2

1581   St. Osyth; St. Ofes; St. Oses  Essex  Essex  England